Wasps, Hornets, Bees - Aavon Pest Control
Aavon Pest Control
49 Ryan Street
Stamford, CT 06907
Fax: 203-322-3670
E-mail office@aavonpestcontrol.com

Wasps, Hornets, Bees

In the Northeast we have species of wasps and hornets, yellow jackets, bald face hornets, bumble bees, honey bees, carpenter bees and cicada killers. Details on these insects can be viewed at http://www.bees-online.com/BeeWaspID.htm.
Treatments for these insects are as follows:
• Honey bees - no treatment (call the state DEP to get a list of registered bee keepers. Their website is http://www.ct.gov/dep/site/default.asp)
• Wasps & hornets - These stinging insects are treated directly into their nesting sights which keeps the pesticide at a minimal. Home owners should treat the nest at night but only if the nest is fully exposed (on a tree branch, etc). If you choose to treat yourself at night be careful, shining a light at the nest will entice activity to your light. Choose your product, follow the label and be safe! When the nest is in the wall of the house (going in/out of a crack in the siding) people make the mistake of spraying a liquid bee killer product into a hole. This puts a small amount of chemical at the opening they are currently using which will repel them. Many times the wasps and hornets inside the wall get pushed into the house. For this type of treatment dust applications are preferred.
• Cicada killer - on the property but not by a high traffic area do not need to be treated. High traffic areas where they are found flying over their nesting tunnels are topically treated. Activity is very seasonal; it usually begins in June and ends in September.
• Carpenter bees - are usually active from April through September and can be found hovering around the house, drilling holes into wooden structures and leaving behind piles of sawdust.

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